Home » Schemes for sound insulation of ceilings

Schemes for sound insulation of ceilings

This category contains professional schemes and instructions for creating effective ceiling noise insulation. Here you will find solutions to combat air and impact noise from above, be it neighbors, loud music or footsteps. Our diagrams take into account the characteristics of different types of ceilings and allow you to choose the best soundproofing solution for your room.

Soundproofing suspended ceiling 78 mm thick, type 2 (1)

Soundproofing suspended ceiling 78 mm thick, type 2 (1)

The junction of the soundproofing ceiling lining to the soundproofing wall lining

  1. Isolated wall
  2. Expansion dowel 6×60mm for concrete
  3. Sealing tape
  4. Vibroacoustic sealant
  5. Guide profile 28/27
  6. Vibration suspension
  7. «RosEcoMat Cotton Antisound» 50 mm
  8. «RosEcoMat Cotton Antisound» 25 mm
  9. Self-tapping piercing screw LN9
  10. Plasterboard sheet 12.5 mm
  11. Self-tapping screw TC-XTN 3.9*23
  12. Gypsum fiber sheet 12.5 mm

Soundproofing suspended ceiling 55 mm thick, type 1 (1)

The junction of the soundproofing ceiling lining to the soundproofing wall lining

  1. Insulated wall
  2. Expansion dowel 6×60 mm for concrete
  3. Vibration suspension
  4. «RosEcoMat Cotton Antisound» 25 mm
  5. Guide profile 28/27
  6. Sealing tape
  7. Vibroacoustic sealant
  8. Self-tapping piercing screw LN9
  9. Plasterboard sheet 12.5 mm
  10. Self-tapping screw TC-XTN 3.9*23
  11. Gypsum fiber sheet 12.5 mm

Soundproofing suspended ceiling 55 mm thick, type 1

The junction of the soundproofing ceiling cladding to the partition

  1. Reinforced concrete interfloor slab floors
  2. Expansion dowel 6×60 mm for concrete
  3. Vibration suspension
  4. Sealing tape
  5. Guide profile 50/40
  6. Guide profile 28/27
  7. Vibroacoustic sealant
  8. Ceiling profile 60/27
  9. Self-tapping piercing screw LN9
  10. Gypsum fiber sheet 12.5 mm
  11. Plasterboard sheet 12.5 mm
  12. «RosEcoMat Cotton Antisound» 25 mm
  13. Self-tapping screw TC-XTN 3.9*38
  14. «RosEcoMat Cotton Antisound» 50 mm
  15. Self-tapping screw TC-XTN 3.9*23

Soundproofing suspended ceiling 128 mm thick, type 3

The junction of the soundproofing ceiling lining to the soundproofing wall lining

  1. Insulated wall
  2. Expansion dowel 6x60mm for concrete
  3. Sealing tape
  4. Guide profile 28/27
  5. Vibroacoustic sealant
  6. Vibration suspension
  7. «RosEcoMat Cotton Antisound» 25 mm
  8. «RosEcoMat Cotton Antisound» 50 mm
  9. «RosEcoMat Cotton Antisound Light» 50 mm
  10. Self-tapping piercing screw LN9
  11. Self-tapping screw TC-XTN 3.9*23
  12. Plasterboard sheet 12.5 mm

Soundproofing suspended ceiling 78 mm thick, type 2

The junction of the soundproofing ceiling cladding to the partition

  1. Reinforced concrete interfloor slab floors
  2. Expansion dowel 6×60mm for concrete
  3. Vibration suspension
  4. Sealing tape
  5. Guide profile 50/40
  6. Vibroacoustic sealant
  7. Ceiling profile 60/27
  8. Self-tapping piercing screw LN9
  9. Self-tapping screw TC-XTN 3.9*38
  10. Guide profile 28/27
  11. Self-tapping screw TC-XTN 3,9*23
  12. «RosEcoMat Cotton Antisound» 50 mm
  13. Gypsum fiber sheet 12.5 mm
  14. Plasterboard sheet 12.5 mm

Sound insulation under the stretch ceiling type 2

  1. Vibration suspension
  2. Metal profile
  3. «RosEcoMat Cotton Antisound», «RosEcoMat Cotton Antisound Light», «RosEcoMat Kenaf Antisound», «RosEcoMat Polyef Antisound»
  4. Stretch ceiling

Sound insulation under the stretch ceiling type 1

  1. Stretch ceiling
  2. «RosEcoMat Cotton Antisound», «RosEcoMat Cotton Antisound Light», «RosEcoMat Kenaf Antisound», «RosEcoMat Polyef Antisound»
  3. Mounting foam

Soundproofing the ceiling in the apartment

  1. Floor slab
  2. «RosEcoMat Cotton Antisound», «RosEcoMat Kenaf Antisound», «RosEcoMat Polyef Antisound»
  3. Guides
  4. Rough finish
  5. Fine finish
  6. Wall

Soundproofing suspended ceiling 128 mm thick, type 3

The junction of the soundproofing ceiling cladding to the partition

  1. Reinforced concrete interfloor slab floors
  2. Expansion dowel 6×60mm for concrete
  3. Vibroacoustic sealant
  4. Sealing tape
  5. Guide profile 50/40
  6. Vibration suspension
  7. «RosEcoMat Cotton Antisound» 50 mm
  8. «RosEcoMat Cotton Antisound Light» 50 mm
  9. Self-tapping screw TC-XTN 3.9*38
  10. Ceiling profile 60/27
  11. Self-tapping piercing screw LN9
  12. Self-tapping screw TC-XTN 3,9*23
  13. Guide profile 28/27
  14. Gypsum fiber sheet 12.5 mm
  15. Plasterboard sheet 12.5 mm

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