Dear clients! Experts with many years of experience will help you find the perfect solution for your needs. We also offer free consultations on the mounting of insulation materials.
Sheep’s wool is a natural insulator. Due to its complex porous fiber structure, sheep wool contributes to good heat resistance (low thermal conductivity). In other words, it retains heat in cold weather and keeps cool in hot weather. Wool is durable. It is elastic and strong material that has a special tensile strength.
Wool can absorb up to 30% of its dry weight in the form of moisture and vapor and give it back again without damping or rotting. Sheep’s wool purifies the air. Thanks to its high bio-reactivity, wool has the ability to bind odors and pollutants and partially neutralize some of them.
Sheep’s wool does not burn: flaming wool requires 25,2% oxygen. Air contains only 21% oxygen, so burning wool is self-extinguishing. The ignition temperature of wool is 580°C. Properly cleaned wool is hypoallergenic.
Sheep’s wool is very breathable, it is essentially a breathable material. Wool mixed with natural wormwood and lavender fibers is of little interest to moths.